Line | |
1 | #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 | #
3 | # Program to automatically save the situation at certain intervals
4 |
5 | from xplra import XPlane, ProtocolException
6 |
7 | import sys
8 | import os
9 | import time
10 |
11 | if __name__ == "__main__":
12 | interval = float(sys.argv[1])
13 | xplanePath = sys.argv[2]
14 | name = sys.argv[3]
15 |
16 | newName = name + ".new.sit"
17 | savePath = "output/situations/" + newName
18 |
19 | basePath = os.path.join(xplanePath, "Output", "situations", name)
20 | path = basePath + ".sit"
21 | newPath = basePath + ".new.sit"
22 | oldPath = basePath + ".old.sit"
23 |
24 | xplane = XPlane()
25 |
26 | print("Connecting to X-Plane...")
27 |
28 | while not xplane.isConnected:
29 | try:
30 | xplane.connect()
31 | except:
32 | print("Connection failed, sleeping...")
33 | time.sleep(0.5)
34 |
35 | print("Connected to X-Plane")
36 |
37 | try:
38 | while True:
39 | try:
40 | xplane.saveSituation(savePath)
41 | try:
42 | if os.path.exists(path):
43 | os.rename(path, oldPath)
44 | os.rename(newPath, path)
45 |
46 | print("Situation saved at " + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"))
47 | except OSError as e:
48 | print("I/O error occured: " + str(e))
49 | except ProtocolException as e:
50 | print("Protocol error occured: " + str(e))
51 | time.sleep(interval)
52 | except Exception as e:
53 | print("Connection failed: " + str(e))
54 | try:
55 | xplane.disconnect()
56 | except:
57 | pass
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