1 | # Basic test program for the Python client library
2 |
3 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 |
5 | import time
6 |
7 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 |
9 | if __name__ == "__main__":
10 | from xplra import XPlane, ProtocolException
11 |
12 | xplane = XPlane()
13 |
14 | try:
15 | print "Connecting to X-Plane..."
16 | xplane.connect()
17 | print "Connected to X-Plane."
18 | print
19 |
20 | print "Showing a message..."
21 | xplane.showMessage("[basictest] Starting tests", 5.0)
22 | print
23 |
24 | print "Querying the versions..."
25 | (xplaneVersion, xplmVersion, xplraVersion) = xplane.getVersions()
26 | print "X-Plane version: %d, XPLM: %d, XPLRA: %03d" % \
27 | (xplaneVersion, xplmVersion, xplraVersion)
28 | print
29 |
30 | print "Saving the situation..."
31 | xplane.saveSituation("output/situations/test.sit")
32 | print "Saved the situation"
33 | print
34 |
35 | print "Querying the number of the engines..."
36 | numEngines = xplane.getInt("sim/aircraft/engine/acf_num_engines")
37 | print "The number of engines:", numEngines
38 | print
39 |
40 | try:
41 | print "Querying an invalid dataref..."
42 | xplane.getInt("sim/aircraft/engine/num_engines")
43 | print
44 | print ">>>>>>>>>>>> Succeeded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
45 | except ProtocolException as e:
46 | print "Exception caugth:", str(e)
47 | print
48 |
49 | print "Querying the spool time of a jet engine..."
50 | spoolTime = xplane.getFloat("sim/aircraft/engine/acf_spooltime_jet")
51 | print "The spool time:", spoolTime
52 | print
53 |
54 | print "Querying the spool time of a propeller..."
55 | spoolTime = xplane.getFloat("sim/aircraft/engine/acf_spooltime_prop")
56 | print "The spool time:", spoolTime
57 | print
58 |
59 | print "Querying the coordinates..."
60 | latitude = xplane.getDouble("sim/flightmodel/position/latitude")
61 | longitude = xplane.getDouble("sim/flightmodel/position/longitude")
62 | print "The coordinates: " + `latitude` + ", " + `longitude`
63 | print
64 |
65 | print "Querying the aircraft's description..."
66 | result = xplane.getByteArray("sim/aircraft/view/acf_descrip")
67 | print "The description:", result
68 | print
69 |
70 | print "Querying the aircraft's description as a string, with an offset of 3..."
71 | result2 = xplane.getString("sim/aircraft/view/acf_descrip", offset = 3);
72 | print "Got: '" + result2 + "' (" + `len(result2)` + ")"
73 | print result2=="h 8 Q400"
74 | print
75 |
76 | print "Querying the aircraft's engine types..."
77 | result3 = xplane.getIntArray("sim/aircraft/prop/acf_en_type")
78 | print "Got:", result3
79 | print
80 |
81 | print "Querying the aircraft's propeller directions..."
82 | result5 = xplane.getFloatArray("sim/aircraft/prop/acf_prop_dir")
83 | print "Got:", result5
84 | print
85 |
86 | print "Setting the number of the engines to", numEngines + 1
87 | xplane.setInt("sim/aircraft/engine/acf_num_engines", numEngines + 1)
88 | numEngines = xplane.getInt("sim/aircraft/engine/acf_num_engines")
89 | print "The new number of engines:", numEngines
90 | print
91 |
92 | acfElevUp = xplane.getFloat("sim/aircraft/controls/acf_elev_up")
93 | print "Setting the aircraft elevator up control from %f to %f..." % \
94 | (acfElevUp, acfElevUp + 15.0)
95 | xplane.setFloat("sim/aircraft/controls/acf_elev_up", acfElevUp + 15.0)
96 | acfElevUp = xplane.getFloat("sim/aircraft/controls/acf_elev_up")
97 | print "The aircraft elevator up control set to", acfElevUp
98 | print
99 |
100 | localX = xplane.getDouble("sim/flightmodel/position/local_x")
101 | print "Setting the aircraft's local X-coordinate from %f to %f..." % \
102 | (localX, localX + 15.0)
103 | xplane.setDouble("sim/flightmodel/position/local_x", localX + 15.0)
104 | localX = xplane.getDouble("sim/flightmodel/position/local_x")
105 | print "The aircraft's local X-coordinate set to", localX
106 | print
107 |
108 | numBlades = xplane.getFloatArray("sim/aircraft/prop/acf_num_blades")
109 | print "Setting the number of blades"
110 | print " from:", numBlades
111 | numBlades = [n+2.5 for n in numBlades]
112 | print " to:", numBlades
113 | xplane.setFloatArray("sim/aircraft/prop/acf_num_blades", numBlades)
114 |
115 | numBlades = xplane.getFloatArray("sim/aircraft/prop/acf_num_blades")
116 | print "The result:", numBlades
117 | print
118 |
119 | batteryArrayOn = xplane.getIntArray("sim/cockpit/electrical/battery_array_on")
120 | print "Setting the batteries"
121 | print " from:", batteryArrayOn
122 | batteryArrayOn = [1 if b==0 else 0 for b in batteryArrayOn]
123 | print " to:", batteryArrayOn
124 | xplane.setIntArray("sim/cockpit/electrical/battery_array_on", batteryArrayOn)
125 | batteryArrayOn = xplane.getIntArray("sim/cockpit/electrical/battery_array_on")
126 | print "The result:", batteryArrayOn
127 | print
128 |
129 | tailNum = [0] * 40
130 | tailNum[0] = ord('H')
131 | tailNum[1] = ord('A')
132 | tailNum[2] = ord('-')
133 | tailNum[3] = ord('V')
134 | tailNum[4] = ord('A')
135 | tailNum[5] = ord('I')
136 |
137 | print "Setting the tail number to %s as a byte array..." % (tailNum,)
138 | xplane.setByteArray("sim/aircraft/view/acf_tailnum", tailNum)
139 | print "The tail number is:", xplane.getString("sim/aircraft/view/acf_tailnum")
140 | print
141 |
142 | tailNum1 = "VAIS"
143 | print "Setting the tail number to " + tailNum1 + " as a string..."
144 | xplane.setString("sim/aircraft/view/acf_tailnum", tailNum1, 40)
145 | print "The tail number is:", xplane.getString("sim/aircraft/view/acf_tailnum")
146 | print
147 |
148 | print "Preparing for the message tests, sleeping for 5 seconds..."
149 | time.sleep(5.0)
150 |
151 | print "Showing a message for 10 seconds..."
152 | xplane.showMessage("[basictest] this message appears for 10 seconds", 10.0)
153 |
154 | print "Sleeping for 3 seconds..."
155 | time.sleep(3.0)
156 |
157 | print "Showing another message interrupting the previous one for 3 seconds"
158 | xplane.showMessage("[basictest] but this message interrupts it, and is displayed for 3 seconds", 3.0)
159 |
160 | print "Sleeping for 5 seconds..."
161 | time.sleep(5.0)
162 | xplane.showMessage("[basictest] and the tests come to an end!", 5.0)
163 |
164 | except Exception as e:
165 | print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exception caught:", str(e)
166 | finally:
167 | xplane.disconnect()